The Rotary Foundation enables Rotarians to ensure that people have sustainable access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation.
- Here Dr Barbara Nanteza demonstrates a new clean water well, in a Ugandan Village, that was co-funded by Altona City Rotary Club, together with Altona RC and the Rotary Foundation. (Dr Nanteeza studied Preventive Medicine at Monash University, while in Australia, and facilitated this project on her return to Uganda).
- A follow-up project resulted in two additional deep water bores and rainwater tank infrastructure, in a nearby Ugandan village.
- Working with Ruth Martinez (Brighton Beach Rotary Club), Altona City Rotary has also co-funded manufacture and installation of "Biosand Filters" and a deep new water well to provide much needed clean water for 28 villages and 5 Elementary Schools in the Philippines.
- While an estimated two billion people globally do not have access to safe drinking water that has been tested for chemicals and microbes, many childhood illnesses and deaths will continue to be related to contaminated water and poor sanitation.
- See the "International Photo Album" for more details